The greatest diarrhea in the world.

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Welcome to LiquidPoop
LiquidPoop is dedicated to the love and celebration of diarrhea through rhyme. Our goal is to remove the shame and stigma of diarrhea forever.
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Three blind mice, three blind mice, look at their runs! Look at their runs!
They shat all over the farmer's wife, ruining her self-satisfaction device!
Diarrhea...You'd better "run" for your lives!...all three blind mice.

 Squeezed out by Gladys Flatus on 06/02/2000
 Diagnosis is Miscellaneous
Postcards are coming soon.

Copyright, All Rights Reserved. For a limited time only. Not valid where you live. I have a chicklet toenail. So then the nun says, 'Pass the avacado.' Ken helped.